Pet overheating and heatstroke signs
Mild signs that may suggest your pet is getting hot:
o Agitation or restlessnesso Constant panting
o Excessive thirst
o Less responsive behaviour
o Excessive grooming (cats)
o Sweaty feet (more so in cats)
Action to take:
o Cease activity and get them rested
o Cool them down –
spraying or lightly wetting with cool water (not iced)
wetting their paws and ears
laying them on a cooling mat
providing a fan or air-conditioned environment
o Offer them fresh cool water
Dog heat stroke signs
If you are worried your pet may be overheating due to hot weather, intense exercise, or others, the presence of any of the following may indicate a need to bring your pet to the vet as soon as possible.
Very fast, heavy, or exaggerated panting
Inability or unwillingness to move
Excessive drooling or salivation
Increased pulse and heart rate
Dark-coloured (red/purple) or very pale gums or tongue
Vomiting or Diarrhoea
Mental dullness or lack of responsiveness
Elevated rectal temperature of 40ºC and up (if a thermometer is available)
Staggering, uncoordinated movement, weakness or collapse
Even if not displaying any of these signs, please contact your vet if you are worried.
Action to take:
1. On your way to your vet, call them to inform them about the situation, so they will be expecting you.
2. Your vet may suggest ways to cool your pet down on your way there, such as using air conditioning in the car or lightly wetting your pet’s body.
3. If your pet is able to drink, offer her or him water.
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